About Me

Hi, I am Dr. Richard Booth
Dr. Richard Booth is a clinician in private practice and at Brown University. Dr. Booth presently serves on the executive board of the Village Green Charter School and is a core member of The Wellness Collaborative. He also serves as a consultant for public and private schools as well as various companies and institutions in the public and private sectors. In his private practice, Dr. Booth provides therapy to individuals, groups, and families. Additionally, Dr. Booth conducts consultation, workshops, trainings, seminars, and focused programming to a variety of organizations such as the Department of Children, youth and Families, the Boys and Girls Club, Rhode Island State Council of Churches, The Children and Youth Cabinet, various colleges and universities, domestic violence shelters, community recreation centers, schools, and childcare centers.
Dr. Booth’s areas of specialty includes: The impact of trauma on the mental health of underprivileged communities and individuals of color, effective strategies for educating populations with/about mental health concerns and trauma, affect and mood regulation, cultural competency, improving educational environments and outcomes, increasing parental engagement with educational institutions, self-care and reducing burnout, diversity, equity and inclusion, the impact of vicarious /indirect trauma, and the recruitment and retention of minority applicants.
Dr. Booth was born in Jamaica and lived there until moving to inner city Boston where he spent his formative years. He earned his Doctorate degree in Counseling and School Psychology from Northeastern University; his Master of Science degree in Mental Health Counseling from Suffolk University; and his Bachelor of Science in English and Sociology from Bridgewater State University. During his clinical training, Dr. Booth was selected for a four-year MacArthur Foundation funded Youth Mental Health Fellowship through Harvard University at the Judge Baker Children’s Center. In his clinical capacity, Dr. Booth has worked in various mental health settings such as partial hospitals, community mental health centers, Elementary, Middle, and High schools, youth correctional facilities, and college counseling centers.